Table 4

Quality assessment of included studies

First Author (year)Qiang (2015)Yoshida (2015)Kuo (2014)Zhai (2014)Sekine (2013)Kondo (2011)Nakajima (2009)Sekine (2007)Licker (2006)Lo′pez-Encuentra (2005)Sekine (2002)
Is the hypothesis/aim/objective of the study clearly stated in the abstract, introduction, or methods section?YYYYYYYYYYY
Are the characteristics of the participants included in the study described?YYYYYYYYYYY
Were the cases collected in more than one centre?NNNNNNNNYYN
Are the eligibility criteria (inclusion and exclusion criteria) to enter the study explicit and appropriate?YYYYYYYYYYY
Were participants recruited consecutively?YYNYYYYNYYY
Did participants enter the study at a similar point in the disease?YYYYYYYYYYY
Was the intervention clearly described in the study?NNNNNNNNNNN
Were additional interventions (co-interventions) clearly reported in the study?NNNNNNNNNNN
Are the outcome measures clearly defined in the introduction or methods section?YYYYNYNYYYY
Were relevant outcomes appropriately measured with objective and/or subjective methods?YYYYYYYYYYY
Were outcomes measured before and after intervention?NNNNNNNNNNN
Were the statistical tests used to assess the relevant outcomes appropriate?YYYYYYYYYYY
Was the length of follow-up reported?YYYYYYYYYYY
Was the loss to follow-up reported?NNNYNNYNNNN
Does the study provide estimates of the random variability in the data analysis of relevant outcomes?YYYYYYYYYYY
Are adverse events reported?NYNNYNNYNNY
Are the conclusions of the study supported by results?YYYYYYYYYYY
Are both competing interest and source of support for the study reported?YYNYNNNNYYN
  • N, no; Y, yes.