Table 1

Baseline characteristics and preoperative medications

Patients without
AF (n=266)
Patients with
AF (n=103)
P value
Age (years)60.8±10.067.8±9.5<0.001
Male200 (75%)80 (77%)0.617
BMI (kg/m2)28.4 (16.7–53.6)28.4 (16.7–53.6)0.520
Gensini score59.8 (6–172)63.7 (16–142)0.264
Hypertension160 (60%)67 (65%)0.386
Hyperlipidemia61 (22%)24 (23%)0.940
Diabetes mellitus121 (45%)41 (40%)0.324
Smokers137 (51%)52 (50%)0.861
PAD15 (6%)4 (4%)0.489
PCI43 (16%)20 (19%)0.456
COPD28 (%10)17 (%16)0.115
HATCH score1.20 (0–6)1.50 (0–6)0.017
Previous medications
 Beta-blocker219 (82%)84 (81%)0.861
 ACEi88 (33%)39 (38%)0.386
 ARB45 (17%)15 (15%)0.582
 CCB33 (12%)20 (19%)0.078
 Statin137 (52%)59 (57%)0.335
 Furosemide15 (6%)12 (12%)0.047
 Spironolactone11 (4%)5 (5%)0.761
  • Data are presented as n (%) or mean±SD.

  • ACEi, ACE inhibitor; AF, atrial fibrillation; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; BMI, body mass index; CCB, calcium channel blocker; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; PAD, peripheral arterial disease; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention.