Abstract 76 Table 1

EndpointsDSA in the first year post-HTx (n=69)No DSA in the first-year post-HTx (n=223)No DSA in the first-year post-HTx (n=223)
1 Year Survival 89.9% 89.2% 0.796
1 Year Freedom from Any-Treated Rejection 75.4% 90.1% 0.002
1 Year Freedom from Acute Cellular Rejection 85.5% 95.1% 0.011
1 Year Freedom from Antibody-Mediated Rejection 89.9% 98.7% 0.001
1 Year Freedom from Biopsy-Negative Rejection 89.9% 96.0% 0.068
3 Year Freedom from CAV 76.8% 74.0% 0.618
5 Year Freedom from CAV 72.5% 65.5% 0.293
3 Year Freedom from NF-MACE 85.5% 87.4% 0.753
5 Year Freedom from NF-MACE 85.5% 86.0% 0.956
NF-MACE: myocardial infarction, new heart failure, coronary intervention, implantable cardioverter defibrillator/pacemaker implant, stroke
Endpoints Persistent DSA (n= 14) Transient DSA (n= 55) P-value
3 Year Freedom from CAV 57.1% 75.0% 0.192
5 Year Freedom from CAV 50.0% 68.7% 0.175