Table 7

Risk stratification of PH patients

1-year mortality prognosis factorsLow risk (<5%)Intermediate risk (5%–10%)High risk (>10%)
Clinical right heart failureAbsentAbsentPresent
Symptom progressionNoSlowRapid
SyncopeNoOccasional syncope with heavy exercise or orthostatic changeRepeated syncope, especially at rest
WHO Functional ClassI and IIIIIIIV
6MWD (m)440165–440<165
Cardiopulmonary exercise testingPeak VO2 >15 mL/min/kg (>65% pred)
VE/VCO2 slope <36
Peak VO2 11–15 mL/min/kg (35%–65% pred)
VE/VCO2 slope 36–44.9
Peak VO2 <11 mL/min/kg (<35% pred)
VE/VCO2 slope >45
NT-proBNP (ng/L)<300300–14001400
Imaging (echocardiography and/or cardiac MRI)RA area <18 cm2
No pericardial effusion
RA area 18–26 cm2
Minimal pericardial effusion
RA area >26 cm2
Pericardial effusion
HemodynamicsRAP <8 mm Hg
CI >2.5 L/min/m2
SvO2 >65%
RAP 8–14 mm Hg
CI 2.0–2.4 L/min/m2
SvO2 60%–65%
RAP >14 mm Hg
CI <2.0 L/min/m2
SvO2 <60%