Table 1

Characteristics of 210 women who underwent ECC during colposcopy, El Paso, Texas

CharacteristicsNumber (%)
Predictor variables
 Age ≥30 years120 (57.1)
 Language in which survey was administered
  English126 (60.0)
  Spanish84 (40.0)
 History of sexual abuse
  Yes8 (3.8)
  No202 (96.2)
 Had ≥1 vaginal deliveries147 (70.0)
 Smoked ≥100 cigarettes during lifetime58 (27.6)
 Colposcopy lasted >13 min*99 (47.1%)
 Count of distress/pain vocalizations during ECC
  0154 (73.3)
  123 (11.0)
  220 (9.5)
  36 (2.9)
  43 (1.4)
  53 (1.4)
  61 (0.5)
  • *Length of colposcopy ranged from 3 to 34 min (mean=14.7 min, median=13.0 min).

  • ECC, endocervical curettage.