Table 1

Patient demographics and clinical data

Total (N=166)Died (n=47)Survived (n=119)P value*
Female, n (%)60 (36.1)18 (38.3)42 (35.3)0.717
Age, years (IQR)56 (45–64)61 (54–69)52 (42–63)0.0002
Weight, kg (IQR)78 (70–90)78 (65–96)79 (72–90)0.659
Height, cm (IQR)165 (158–170)165 (160–172)164 (580–170)0.578
BMI (IQR)29 (25.4–33)28 (24–33)29 (27–32)0.302
Obesity, n (%)77 (46.4)21 (44.7)56 (47.1)0.782
Diabetes mellitus, n (%)42 (25.3)12 (25.5)30 (25.2)0.966
Hypertension, n (%)49 (29.5)17 (36.2)32 (26.9)0.238
Smoking, n (%)37 (22.3)10 (21.3)27 (22.7)0.844
Immunosuppression, n (%)25 (15.1)6 (12.8)19 (16.0)0.603
COPD, n (%)7 (4.2)4 (8.5)3 (2.5)0.084
CKD, n (%)9 (5.4)2 (4.3)7 (5.9)0.677
CAD, n (%)8 (4.8)4 (8.5)4 (3.4)0.163
SpO2 % <88% with supplemental oxygen, n (%)156 (94.0)47 (100)109 (91.6)0.040
IMV/CPAP, n (%)96 (57.8)33 (70.2)63 (52.9)0.042
Positive troponin/CPK, n (%)77 (46.4)31 (66)46 (38.7)0.001
Creatinine >1.5 mg/dL, n (%)25 (15.1)14 (29.8)11 (9.2)0.001
WCC >10.0 cells × 10∧9 / L, n (%)94 (56.6)35 (74.5)59 (50)0.004
Lymphocytes <800 cells/µL, n (%)113 (68.1)38 (80.9)75 (63)0.026
Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio >9.8, n (%)60 (36.1)27 (57.5)33 (27.7)<0.0001
Length of stay, days (IQR)15.5 (9–27)17 (11–27)13 (8–27)0.5408
  • *Comparisons were done between deaths and survivors. X2 was used to compare categorical variables. Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare continuous variables.

  • BMI, body mass index; CAD, coronary artery disease; CKD, chronic kidney disease; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; CPK, creatine phosphokinase; IMV, invasive mechanical ventilation; SpO2, oxygen saturation; WCC, white cell count.